Third Event of the Isfahan Interdisciplinary Research Network of Healthcare on Bio-Sensors

This event was held on the 5th of February, 2020 at the Saeb Conference Hall of the University of Isfahan. Prof. Roknizadeh, the vice chancellor for research of the University of Isfahan welcomed audiences and declared that in the new world of today, networking is critical for exchanging information and developing scientific and professional collaborations. He added “network thinking and networking manifest a symbol of development which is necessary for moving towards achieving more share in the global innovation”.

Ali Asghar Ensafi, a professor of analytical chemistry delivered a lecture on the achievements and potentialities of Isfahan University of Technology in the field of bio-sensors.

Then, Mohammad Rafieinia, a professor of bio-materials engineering delivered a lecture on the achievements and potentialities of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in the field of bio-sensors.

In another part of the event, three faculty members of the University of Isfahan delivered lectures on the subject of bio-sensors. Fatemeh Javadi, an assistant professor of practical nucleic acids delivered a lecture on the bio-molecular dimensions of bio-sensors.

Masoud Ayatollahi Mehrjerdi, an associate professor of analytical chemistry – bio electrical chemistry delivered a lecture on the chemistry of bio-sensors.

Mohsen Saraf, an assistant professor of bio materials engineering delivered a lecture on the bio-sensors equipment and instrumentation: engineering dimensions in design and manufacturing of bio-sensors.

The event was followed with scientific discussions in three meeting rooms regarding three aspects of biosensors, i.e. biological, chemical and engineering which was welcomed by the professors and postgraduate students of the three members of the network; Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and University of Isfahan.

In additions to the lectures delivered, 17 scientific posters were represented at the conference hall.