Avicenna Center of Excellence
Avicenna Center of Excellence
Avicenna Center of Excellence

Welcome Message:
Welcome to Avicenna Center of Excellence! We are truly a vibrant community where aspiring researchers prepare themselves to be responsible leaders and lifelong learners through research in medicine and the creation of technologic knowledge for the betterment of health. This unique value proposition is well-suited to researchers who want to be exposed to and engaged in a rich research environment without losing the feel of a technical laboratory.

ACE is now taking big steps in preparing for the next 100 years. We aim to create a better quality of life for not only Iranians but everyone in the global community. Our key focus is to promote convergence research and open collaboration as a way of providing potential solutions to social problems and the Iranian’s migration.

Whether you are a researcher, or faculty, or student or staff member, we welcome you to ACE to explore your place in our community of scholars.

Warmest regards,
Board of Directors, Avicenna Center of Excellence

Board of Directors

Avicenna Center of Excellence

Dr. Hadi Amiri

Dr. Gholamreza Askari

Dr. Hossein Rabbani

Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi

Dr. Hamidreza Safavi

Dr. Mohammad Rabbani